Hit Show makes Keeneland’s Fayette third str
Stakes recap by Keeneland’s publicity department (Coady Media/John Gallagher photo of Hit Show winning the Fayette under Florent Geroux) LEXINGTON, KY (Oct. 26,Read More
Stakes recap by Keeneland’s publicity department (Coady Media/John Gallagher photo of Hit Show winning the Fayette under Florent Geroux) LEXINGTON, KY (Oct. 26,Read More
Stakes recaps by Keeneland’s publicity department (Coady Media/John Gallagher photo above of Poolside With Slim winning the Valley View) LEXINGTON, KY (Oct. 25,Read More
Thursday’s media notes by Keeneland’s publicity team (Coady Media photos) RUSTY ARNOLD RECORDS 300TH VICTORY AT HOME TRACK Keeneland-based trainer Rusty Arnold reached aRead More
Today’s media notes by Keeneland’s publicity team (Coady Media/John Gallagher photo of Brunacini winning Saturday’s Perryville) The question of the morning for 34-year-oldRead More
Keeneland stakes recaps by the track’s publicity staff (Coady Media/John Gallagher photo of Emery taking Keeneland’s G2 Raven Run) LEXINGTON, KY (Oct. 19,Read More
A Keeneland press release LEXINGTON, KY (Oct. 9, 2024) – A newly released economic impact study conducted by the University of Louisville’s Departments ofRead More
Stakes recaps from Keeneland’s Fall Stars Saturday by Keeneland publicity team. Coady Media/Keeneland/Jenny Doyle photo of Carl Spackler winning $1.25M Coolmore Turf Mile.Read More
Keeneland’s Friday media notes by Keeneland’s publicity team (Coglianese photo of Cinderella’s Dream winning the Belmont Oaks) ************************* TWO GRADE 1 WINNERS AMONGRead More
Undefeated Immersive Wins Darley Alcibiadesto Punch Breeders’ Cup Ticket on Opening Day of Keeneland Fall Meet Federal Judge and May Day Ready secureRead More
Wednesday’s barn notes by Keeneland’s publicity team (Grace Clark-Sweet/Kentucky Downs photo of Ag Bullet winning the Kentucky Downs’ $1.5 million Exacta Systems LadiesRead More