We Care About Racehorses – And Their Aftercare

Horse owners racing throughout the state make a contribution to the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance for every start their horses make, amounts that are matched by the commonwealth’s five racetracks. The TAA is an industry-wide collaboration funded by the racing and breeding industry’s stakeholders. The TAA, whose creation was spearheaded by Kentucky HBPA member Jack Wolf, founder of Starlight Racing, accredits racehorse retirement, retraining and adoption organizations — and then provides grants to those programs. Kentucky has 10 accredited organizations.
Click here to read success stories and make a donation.
“Racehorses are good to us, and we owe it to be good to them once their racing days are over,” says former Kentucky HBPA executive director Marty Maline. “There is no finish line with aftercare, the mission is never over to make sure every racehorse has a safe and secure home following the racetrack. But the industry has made huge strides.
“Thoroughbreds are amazing and versatile athletes who are increasingly finding success as performance horses and creating demand in the show ring. Thousands of our off-the-track thoroughbreds happily adapt to slower-paced lives as trail-riding horses and provide companionship to their owners. We welcome horse enthusiasts to learn more from the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance about owning a retired racehorse.”
Beyond a structured program to get funding to deserving aftercare programs, horsemen work hard to find safe, secure homes when their horses retire. A shining example is $2.17 million-earner Brass Hat, who raced 40 times spanning seven seasons before tiring at age 9. Brass Hat, co-owned and bred and trained by Buff Bradley, made a successful transition to the show ring and remains a fan favorite while living out his life at Buff’s Indian Ridge Farm in Frankfort, Kentucky.
Aftercare Program News
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Tell us about your off-the-track thoroughbred. Share your story and photos by emailing HBPA Communications Specialist,
Jennie Rees at [email protected].
More Kentucky Resources
There are 10 Kentucky accredited facilities. KY’s TAA-sanctioned operations:
- Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance
thoroughbredaftercare.org - CANTER Kentucky
Louisville, Kentucky
rehab/adoption - Central Kentucky Riding for Hope
Lexington, Kentucky
sanctuary - Kentucky Equine Humane Center
Lexington, Kentucky
rehab/adoption/other - Maker’s Mark Secretariat Foundation
Lexington, Kentucky
adoption - New Vocations Racehorse Adoption Program
Lexington, Kentucky
- Old Friends Equine
Georgetown and Kentucky Downs
sanctuary - Our Mims Retirement Haven
Paris, Kentucky
sanctuary for mares - Second Stride
Crestwood, Kentucky
rehab/adoption - Susan S. Donaldson Foundation/Mereworth Farm
Lexington, Kentucky
sanctuary - The Exceller Foundation
Lexington, Kentucky
sanctuary, rehab, adoption, other
Watch champion sprinter Whitmore embarking on his first horse show.